Sunday, February 14, 2010

Protect science - from the government

It's not hard to find people who want the climate controversy to disappear. To these people, a challenge to their beliefs is the same as an attack on science itself. (A question they should answer: does science require conformity?)

From the New York Times:
...forces are continuing their campaign to undermine the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and its chief scientists...

It's true that science needs to be protected, but not from energy and automobile companies who spend comparatively little, but from political agendas, through which billions of dollars are spent pushing particular points of view and rewarding cronies.

Private citizens have their own long-term happiness to gain through scientific discovery of the truth, and will always be willing to pursue that discovery - on their own dime.

Today's bureaucrats aren't interested in securing the long-term happiness of their citizens. They are driven by a short-term lust for power, influence, and money - on other peoples' dimes.

Truth and reality are the enemy of such bureaucrats, and science needs protection from them

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